Head-on Collision of Carts#

A cart of relative mass \({{ params.c1 }}m\) (Cart 1) moving with velocity \(\vec{v_0} = (\) 15.0 \(m/s)\hat{\imath}\) collides head-on with a cart of relative mass 2 \(m\) (Cart 2) that is initially at rest.

You may ignore friction for this question.

Part 1#

If the collision is perfectly inelastic, what is the final velocity of the carts?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \((m/s)\; \hat{\imath}\).

Part 2#

If the collision is elastic, what is the final velocity of Cart 1 (with mass 8 \(m\)).

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \((m/s)\; \hat{\imath}\).

Part 3#

If the collision is elastic, what is the final velocity of Cart 2 (with mass 2 \(m\)).

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \((m/s)\; \hat{\imath}\).


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